Market Data, Inc. - A Farm Profit Enhancement Service PO Box 90 Oberlin, Kansas 67749
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Futures Price Check Call Options Review Put Options Review Crop Tour Target Price Worksheet Min - Max
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Crop or Livestock Call Option Review
Crop or Livestock Call Option Review - Example
        Click here to link to KW Wheat Futures.
A. Crop or Livestock: select the commodity to be reviewed  
B. Futures Strike Price: enter the Strike Price of the option to be purchased
C. Cost of Option: enter the cost of the Option, for example .15 = 15 cents per bushel
D. Gain or Profit Desired: enter the gain desired on the Option, for example .25 = 25 cents per bushel
E. Option Expiration Month enter the month the Option expires (the month prior to the Option purchased)
F. Years to Review
Calculate Option Review
Number of Checks Left: 2835  
G. To calculate every 5 years for the last 30, check here
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Years Reviewed Target Month end of Futures Target Price Target Probability Futures Futures Move Needed Move Probability  
Last years Similar Years Month Year Price Last years Similar Years
May $3.65 66.7% 50.0% May 2005 $3.26 $0.39 33.3% 16.7% del
May $3.65 40.0% 50.0% May 2005 $3.26 $0.39 20.0% 16.7% del
May $3.65 50.0% 50.0% May 2005 $3.26 $0.39 30.0% 16.7% del
May $3.65 46.7% 50.0% May 2005 $3.26 $0.39 20.0% 16.7% del
May $3.65 40.0% 50.0% May 2005 $3.26 $0.39 25.0% 16.7% del
May $3.65 52.0% 50.0% May 2005 $3.26 $0.39 20.0% 16.7% del
May $3.65 46.7% 50.0% May 2005 $3.26 $0.39 20.0% 16.7% del
Note:  For each crop listed the review period is from today's date (4/23/2005) to the end of the target month. The Target Probability % is the percent of the time that the Futures hit the Futures Target Price at least one day during the review period. The Move Probability is the percent of the time that the futures move the amount needed to reach the Futures Target Price level during the review period. The Last Years review is based on your selected years, but the similar year figures (if any) are based on MDI's selected years with similar world and US characteristics. A general rule is that if the Target Probability % is a higher percentage than the Move Probability % it is a sign that today's futures price may be undervalued vs. historical price levels. If the Move Probability % is greater than the Target Probability % then today's futures price may be overvalued vs. historical price levels.
Similar Years
The Years considered Similar are: 1975, 1982, 1989, 1993, 1994, 2003
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