Planning Steps Crop Enterprises Crop Variable Expenses Breeding Livestock Enterprises Feeder Livestock Enterprises Livestock Expenses Fixed Expenses Fixed Income Excess Margin/Profit Review Plan
Marketing Analysis Planning Steps
Market Plan
Step A: Marketing Plan Initialization MDI Home
Enter the time period of the Market Plan, starting cash balance, operating debt, default interest rates.
Step 1: Select Your Crop Enterprises  
Here you will select the crops, how much you will plant and estimate your yield.
Crop Variable
Step 2: Determine Your Crop Variable Expenses  
Here you will determine your expected expenses for each crop you have selected in Step 1.
Breeding Livestock Enterprises Step 3a: Select Your Breeding Livestock Enterprises  
Here you will select your breeding livestock, enter sale weights, etc..
Feeder Livestock Enterprises Step 3b: Select Your Feeder Livestock Enterprises  
Here you will select your feeder livestock, enter sale weights, etc..
Step 4: Determine Your Livestock Expenses  
Here you will enter livestock costs and expenses.
Fixed Expenses Step 5: Determine Your Fixed Expenses  
Here you will enter your fixed expenses independent of the crop and livestock expenses related to your farm.
Fixed Income Step 6: Determine Your Fixed Income  
Here you will enter your fixed income which will offset your Fixed Expenses.
Step 7: Determine Your Desired Excess Margin / Profit  
Here you will determine your desired excess margin or profit based upon percentage of gross variable income.
Review Plan Step 8: Review Your Plan  
Here you will review your plan and determine if you should adjust crop types and acreage for each area based on probabilities of price goals, and look at a cash flow with enterprise analysis.